As we do every year, we supported Father Charlie and his Nazareth House charity. We helped with the hampers, baked 80 pan dulces and prepared 40 gift boxes for the charity! The gift boxes were prepared by Mrs Caetano's year 11 and Mr Yome's year 12 COPE classes with the assistance of Mrs Davis. Ms Sarantos-Billups prepared this video of walking the elf for all our enjoyment.
Hope you have a very Happy Christmas! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I20Nkq00sSIeFznadpv-Ob_tICyd0vdg/view?usp=sharing Netball Tournament The year 12 & 13 male PE students organised a netball game against the year 12 & 13 girls netball team. The girls won 26 to 13. Football Shirt
Mr Yome raffled two signed GFA shirts within the school. The winners were Joshua Brathing year 8 and Kyle Duncan year 7. Over the last week the year 12 and 13 students have organised and ran a number of events to raise money for different charities, including Students4Students and GBC Open Day. Please note that masks were worn inside the school and as the students moved from location to location and distancing was observed throughout. Here is a summary and photos of the events. Football Tournament This was organised by Ms Agius' Year 12 form class. The students Ewan Smith, Ryan Faraj and Finley Cawthorn. Each form class in years 7, 8 and 9 entered a team for the tournament and each player paid £2. The tournament took place at lunch time. Basketball Tournament The format for the basketball was the same as the football but this was for Year 11, 12 and 13. This was also run at lunch time. This was organised by Manu Merida and Tom Odoki from Ms Agius' form class. Santa Hats This started on 1st December where one different student and one different teacher would begin to wear a Santa hat each day. This meant that by the end of the term 22 teachers and 22 students would be wearing the hat. This was organised by Ms Johnson's form class. Sponsored Walkathon All year 7, 8 and 9 students were given a sponsored form and they were asked to walk a particular route around the school in their form bubbles. They were led by Santa and his elf. Aryan Dhanwani, David Lester, Jesse Figueras and Luis Thoppil-Poyatos from Ms Johnson's class organised the forms, route, costumes and logistics. Registration Music In lieu of an end of term concert, year 12 music students collected money from staff and pupils for song requests. They then played the requests during registration and lunch time. The idea originated when year 12 student Nicholas Mace-Borda started busking outside the school to raise money for charity and wanted to do the same inside the school. This was organised by students in Ms Cheeswright's and Mr Richardson's class and co-ordinated by Ms Madden and the music department. Christian Correa (year 12) organise the event. Return of the Elf The now traditional spinathon where we cycle the distance to Lapland to return the Elf to Santa. This was organised by the Year 13 responsibility team. The highlight of the week was when Year 13 student Charlie Walker cycled for 8 straight hours beating his own record set last year where he cycled for 7 hours. You can watch the last 2 minutes of Charlie's feat by clicking on this link: 'AMONG US' TOURNAMENT Dino Charvetto and Aidan Brion from Mr Richardson's year 12 form class organised an 'Among Us' tournament during lunchtime. Students in years 7, 8 and 9 each had a separate competition and paid £1 to compete. Other activities
There was a dress down day organised by Mr Santos and Mrs Jessen's form class. They gave chocolates to the most Christmassy year 7 students. Michael Jarman and James Rosado in Ms Cheeswright's year 12 class planned a quiz for today but we have postponed it until the new year. Students and teachers are participating in a number of charity initiatives to raise money for different charities.
All donations are welcome. You can donate via the following link or by contacting the school https://www.gofundme.com/f/baysides-student4student-spinnathon?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet Many thanks to the teachers and students who contribute to the magazine.
This year we had beautiful entries for our now traditional Crib Competition. The winners were:
1st place - Owen Zarb Year 8 2nd place - Victor Huart Year 7 3rd place - Jesse Olivero Year 10 Year 7 students at Bayside have been designing and creating Christmas themed bookmarks which the libtrarians have photocopied and made available to all students who use the library. The bookmarks are black and white so that students may colour them in as they wish.
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